Time is the new currency - Give the gift of self-care.

Self-care is such a whimsical phrase but with the rise of mental health concerns and wellness it is key in how we manage our own physical and mental wellbeing. A common misconception around self-care is that it is a practice of being selfish and self-indulgent, but this couldn’t be further from the truth – simply Self-care is about creating a life and environment for yourself that allows you to take care of yourself and your health.

We all lead such busy lives with fast technology adding to the frenetic way in which we now live, along with balancing the demands of work and home it is no wonder that anxiety and depression are on the rise.

Time is our new currency: looking after ourselves and indulging in ME TIME is vital and should not be something we only do on special occasions. Our lives are full and can be extremely stressful, it can often be the small things that tip us over into burning out, conversely it can be the smallest things that can bring us back into a state of control. Taking the time to reset the balance is important to do on a regular basis. A little self-care can make all the difference. Whether that is a regular walk, making time for a hobby every week, pausing to read a book with your favourite candle or relaxing with a facemask.

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