Skincare Camping Essentials.

Is it time to become one with Mother Nature?

Camping is a wonderful way to connect with nature, but it's also tough on your skin. Between the sun, wind, and dirt, your skin can become dry, irritated, and even sunburned. Luckily, with a few essential skincare items, you can keep your skin fresh and nourished while enjoying the great outdoors.

1. Sun cream: Sun cream is essential for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, grab a cream with at least SPF 30 and apply regularly. 

2. Moisturiser: The dry air and wind can leave your skin feeling parched, pack a lightweight and nourishing moisturiser, such as our Everyday Cream that contains Cera Alba to hold in moisture and prevent clogging pores.

3. Lip Balm: Your lips can also become dry and cracked in the great outdoors, our Wanderbalm made from raw organic coconut oil is perfect for nourishing as coconut oil retains the skins moisture. 

4. Cleanse: A resort to cleaning your face when there is no water or sink in sight is to use our Illuminate Facial Toner. A quick fix to refresh your skin and get rid of the days dirt and sweat is to spritz the toner onto cotton pads and sweep across your face to refresh and absorb excess dirt.  

By packing these essential skincare items, you can stay fresh and nourished while enjoying the great outdoors.

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